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Benefits and properties of Apple

Benefits and properties of Apple
The apple is one of the most versatile fruits that exist. They can be consumed naturally, in desserts, in salads, compotes... Today we leave you with some of their most important properties and benefits for our health!

Apple properties
The apple is rich in fiber, quercetin, malic acid, catechins and carotenoids. How do all its properties benefit us?

Prevent diabetes
Apples contain polyphenols. These protect the beta cells of the pancreas, which are responsible for the production of insulin. As we well know, insulin is a hormone that maintains the balance of blood glucose, so it is of great importance to prevent and treat diabetes.

In addition, the apple is rich in fibers that help the sugar in food to be absorbed more slowly.

Promotes weight loss
Apples are known to be very low in calories and rich in fiber and water. This makes our feeling of satiety last longer, so it is beneficial for those who need to lose weight.

Relieves stomach pain
As we have said before, the apple contains fibers, mainly pectin. This fiber relieves stomach pain and gastritis because it forms a gel that protects the stomach lining.

But we must not forget about catechins and carotenoids, which also have antimicrobial properties.

Natural apples in our Anela Fruits desserts
At Anela Fruits we use home-grown apples as the base of our desserts. This allows us to assure you that our products are 100% natural. They do not contain preservatives, colorings or added sugars. (it only contains the sugar of the fruit itself)

We can say that we differ from other brands because Anla Fruits only has fruit. Neither ascorbic acid, nor juices, nor others…. Therefore, eating Anela is a guarantee of eating only fruit and nothing else.

Remember that you can buy our products on our website.