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Benefits of fruit for health

Benefits of fruit for health
Anela Fruits’ friends: fruit is one of the essential foods to follow a good and balanced diet. It’s recommended to consume fruit at least three times per day. This type of food can be consumed in many different ways: eating the fruit itself or consuming ready-to-eat fruit (what we know as a IV-V range). In this way, there is no excuse to eat fruit, since even the least passionate fruit can find excellent options to include it in your diet.
Therefore, our main goal in Anela Fruits, the "spoon fruit", is to encourage the consumption of fruit products to the consumer by offering innovative products of our own harvest to eat in an easy, comfortable, healthy and fast way.

We have more than 45 years of experience in the world of fruit that has allowed us to have plantations of apple and pear trees in Girona. We are fruit producers and through the fruit of our trees, we can guarantee to the consumer absolute control of the traceability and offer you the highest quality. We share with you 5 reasons to eat Anela Fruits every day:
· Eat fruit in any place and at any time. With 100g terrines, we guarantee that you are consuming one of the three pieces of fruit that we need to eat daily. In addition, you can take it to work, to school, on a trip or when you travel this summer on vacation.
 · We offer a 100% natural product, without added sugars, neither preservatives, nor additives, ascorbic acid, or concentrated juices. In Anela Fruits you will find nothing but natural fruit!
 · Eat fruit without having to cut or peeling it. Our desserts are prepared to be consumed quickly, comfortably, healthy and for all audiences.
· Invest in health, consuming three pieces of fruit every day helps to guarantee a healthy and balanced diet. Suitable for diabetics and celiac. Also good for babies, when they begin to eat fruit according to the guidelines of each paediatrician.
 · For all audiences, it is good a way to get used to eating more fruit and having a healthier diet. Suitable for diabetic and celiac people, children when they start with fruit, for the whole family, for the elderly...

If you have used this information, leave us a comment and tell us if you consume fruit three times a week! Thanks for reading, see you soon!