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Breast cancer; nutrition and physical activity

Breast cancer; nutrition and physical activity
October 19th is the International Day to Fight Breast Cancer. Although it is a topic that should be reported on daily, this is the day chosen to raise awareness and promote that more and more women have access to controls, diagnoses and effective treatments for this disease.

What is breast cancer
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “breast cancer is a disease in which cells in the breast multiply out of control. There are different types of breast cancer. The type of breast cancer depends on which cells in the breast become cancerous."

There are different factors that make a person more likely to develop this disease. Some of these risk factors cannot be changed:
To be a woman
Getting your period at a young age
Having a family history of breast cancer

But there are other factors that can be changed:
Being overweight
Not being physically active
Drinking too much alcohol and smoking

Have a balanced diet to prevent breast cancer
First of all, we would like to clarify that there is no specific diet or food that prevents the disease from developing, but the decisions we make regarding our diet make a difference in the risk of developing breast cancer or in the course of the disease. So we must follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, low in added sugars and trans fats to keep our diet as healthy as possible and prevent different diseases.

All Anela Fruits products contain only and exclusively natural fruit. No additives, preservatives or sugars are added. That makes them firm allies for our diet and an easy and quick way to eat fruit.