Today is the first day I start my blog. I am Teresa and, together with my husband Esteve, we started over 40 years ago a joint project of family business in the fruit sector. Almost ten years ago, we have started a new project of a fruit dessert 100% natural and wholly fresh fruit called Anela Fruits. We make this dessert and, now, two of my sons (Xavier and Josep Maria) have taken the reins of the company. You can see our history in our website
I love the nature; I like to go for a walk, see the sea, watch the snowy mountains and Pyrenees...and I also love cooking! I really enjoy the family events, especially when I have to cook for more than 20 people including my 12 grandchildren, my 7 children and my daughters-in law and sons-in-law!
This year, we have actualized our packaging and our website; and I decided, despite being difficult for me, to start with the social media as twitter, facebook, blog to share with you all the news of Anela Fruits. I think it is a dessert fruit that we have to divulge because it is an alternative to eat wholly fruit in an easy, natural and healthy way. We must eat fruit, and we do it easy to all family; because it is a product for babies, children, adults… If you eat one Anela fruits, you eat a piece of fruit!
This blog is directed to all of you, with whom I am very grateful for your confidence. Every 15 days I will explain you daily news related to our story, what we do and what is new!
I hope you enjoy reading my blog,
Thank you,